Tag: <span>deniz gökduman</span>

Home / deniz gökduman
15. İnternational Workshop

15. İnternational Workshop

  Workshop works organized by Art Suites Gallery in Bodrum Yalıkavak since 2011 met with the artists again in May this year. The works that emerged at the end of the 15th International Workshop, which took place between 18-25 May 2015, will be presented to the audience with an exhibition. The opening date of the...

18 May 201522 September 2020
12. İnternational Workshop

12. İnternational Workshop

  ART SUITES GALLERY opened the venue and facilities of the Gallery in Bodrum Yalıkavak as Artist Workshops with the artist residency program. ART SUITES GALLERY BODRUM, which hosted many artists from 2011 to 2014, is meeting with artists again in September. The 12th International Workshop, to which faculty members from various universities in Turkey...

7 September 201422 September 2020
6. İnternational Workshop

6. İnternational Workshop

  ARTISTS PARTICIPATING IN THE 6TH WORKSHOP PAINTING: 16 – 24 June 2013 Aslı Türkeli Ayfer Karabıyık Ayşegül Kalkan Baybora Temel Deniz Bayav Deniz Gökduman Duygu Sabancılar Erdal Ateş İpek Şenel Ragıp Basmazölmez Rıza Kuruüzümcü Serkan Çalışkan Şemsettin Edeer Şemsi Altaş Taylan Mintaş  

16 June 201317 September 2020
3. İnternational Workshop

3. İnternational Workshop

ART SUITES GALLERY opens the venue and facilities of the Gallery in Bodrum Yalıkavak as Artist Workshops with its guest artist program. ART SUITES BODRUM GALLERY, which hosted many artists in 2011, met with arts again. In addition to the exhibitions held between June and October, workshops held with the participation of the ranking and...

16 June 201217 September 2020